Multiple Sports Leads to Multiple Benefits for Waynflete Athletes and the School

With a one goal lead just into the second half of a recent game against Class B Gray-New Gloucester, the Flyers needed to take advantage of a free kick from inside the offensive zone.  The two teams had battled evenly since an early Waynflete goal so all of the players knew that the next goal of the game would be critical to determining its outcome.  Ninth grader Isabel Canning looped the kick into the crowd gathered in front of the net, where Leigh Fernandez broke loose from her defender to get her head on the ball and redirect it past the goalie into the net. 领先两球, 势头转向了飞人队, who continued in their defense of the Class C state title by going on to win the game 3-0.


今年秋天,利处于一个独特的位置.  除了和她的队友一起努力卫冕之外, 她也希望这是她连续第五次获胜, 她的赛季将以州冠军结束.  Leigh和Rhiannan Jackson, 谁去年春天毕业了?, 作为2012年州长曲棍球队的队友开始了连胜.  他们的球队在去年的比赛中获胜, 赢得州足球冠军, 篮球, 然后又是长曲棍球.


莱南去上大学了, 她打算在哪里打篮球和长曲棍球, 利是唯一一个追求第五个体育冠军的人.  但她并不是唯一一个随着季节改变运动的人.  In fact, nearly all of her teammates play more than one sport and most play on three school teams.  In an age when individual sports are offered year round and young athletes are under increasing pressure to specialize, 这种现象似乎是反文化的.  事实上,它是.  The path to success at many schools is to encourage athletes to specialize.  但当被问及他对三季运动员的看法时, 体育主管罗斯·伯迪克坦率地回答道, “bet365官网是一所小学校. bet365官网依赖他们. 没有他们, we couldn’t field our current slate of 18 varsity and multiple junior varsity teams, 更不用说享受他们已经取得的成功了.表达感激之情, Waynflete recognizes three sport athletes each year and gives an award in the spring to seniors who have played on three varsity teams for all four years.


但是,当学生参加多种运动时,学校也会受益, 它对运动员本身有好处吗?  根据罗斯的说法,答案是肯定的.  One of the many benefits of kids playing multiple sports is that they learn how to compete, 如何发挥团队精神, 如何为不同的教练效力, 以及如何获得成功.  They learn how to handle pressure, how to come from behind, and how to have fun.”


Ross could point to the four championship girls teams to illustrate his point, as each team had faced the clear prospect of defeat before gathering itself and ultimately prevailing. 而2012年曲棍球冠军轻松赢得了州决赛, they came back from multiple goal late game deficits in both the regional semi-finals and finals for two of the most dramatic victories in the already storied history of the program.  在秋天, the soccer team fell behind before striking with two goals in less than a minute to pull ahead in the final.  The prospects for winning the championship in 篮球 seemed particularly dim as the team fell behind by 14 points midway through the third quarter to perennial champ Calais before a packed crowd on the last evening of 篮球 ever at the Bangor Civic Center.  很淡定, 穿绿衣服的姑娘们以顽强的团队防守向前推进, 及时反弹, and a stunning fourth quarter rally behind the red-hot shooting of Martha Veroneau to pull away to a 59 to 55 victory and the first Class C 篮球 championship in the School’s history.


The multi-sport phenomenon is not limited to the girls teams, nor is the success it yields.  也有多种运动的运动员, the 2012 boys soccer team defended its 2011 State Championship by winning the conference title before losing on penalty kicks in the regional final.   The boys 篮球 team also won the conference and advanced to the regional final for the first time ever in Class C.  Sportsmanship is paramount at Waynflete and both the boys and girls 篮球 teams were presented with the “MPA Good Sportsmanship Award” for Class C West, 这表明bet365官网的球队知道如何努力打球, 打得好, 和同学们一起玩.

除了提高他们的运动敏锐度, 参与多种运动对运动员的身体也有好处. 单一运动的运动员有因过度训练而受伤的风险.  The American Academy of Pediatrics Council on 运动医学 and Fitness recommends two to three months off per year from any one sport in order to give the bodies of young athletes time to recover from the strains placed on them through the repetitive motions required of that sport.  另一个好处是增加运动能力.  通过多种运动, 运动员学会以更多的方式移动他们的身体, 能够以多种方式运动有助于成为更好的运动员. The physical pay off of playing multiple sports is no doubt another reason for the School’s continued athletic success.


While some coaches might be tempted to encourage an athlete to specialize, bet365官网的工作人员不是.  一群经验丰富的成功教练, they understand the benefits of their athletes competing in multiple sports. Assistant Athletic Director Brandon Salway has coached the boys soccer team for over twenty years and has coached 篮球 for many years, 现在女孩们.  Rich Henry has coached the boys 篮球 team for nine years and encourages his boys to play many sports.  “我不鼓励男孩们打AAU篮球,”亨利说.  “I would rather see them compete on the soccer, baseball, and lacrosse fields.  他们可以在夏天打篮球,为冬天做准备.”  Girls soccer coach Todd Dominski regularly attends 篮球 games and lacrosse games to watch his athletes compete.  Long time girls lacrosse coach and Waynflete faculty member Cathie Connors is the biggest fan of her girls during the fall and winter seasons, 还有八年的资深越野教练布莱恩·吉莱斯皮.  数学老师扎克·斯塔尔是男子足球队的助理, 女子篮球队, 还有棒球队.  他还在中学当教练, where he conveys the multiple sport benefits to all future varsity athletes through word and deed as he was a multiple sport athlete himself at Colby College.

在南缅因竞技体育的世界里, a successful defense of their title is by no means guaranteed to Leigh and her soccer teammates.  But one thing is assured; the players will draw on their vast and varied athletic experience to play at their best, 无论是作为个人还是作为团队.  在Waynflete, 多种运动带来多种好处, 为学校和运动员自己.

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