Blended Coursework in the Humanities: Student Perspectives

《bet365官网》是一门面向大三、大四学生开设的新英语选修课 USNOW文章 这是在秋天出现的. 这门课程的使命是双重的:通过对文学和当代文化的批判性分析来探索语言是如何团结和分裂bet365官网的, 让学生们为未来的在线bet365官网和混合式bet365官网做好准备,这些bet365官网将越来越多地包括他们. Our literature so far has included works by George Bernard Shaw, 马克吐温, 查尔斯·狄更斯, 伊莱恩Hansberry, 朱诺·迪亚兹. We are now beginning a unit on contemporary culture. We asked our students to reflect on their experiences in the course so far; here’s what they wrote:

《bet365官网》的吸引力很大一部分在于它注重学生主导的bet365官网. In part 因为 of the significant online portion, our class has been instrumental in creating discussion prompts, 文章主题, even in defining how certain aspects of the course should be run. Most recently our infamous Google Docs discussion, which by most accounts was a mess, required planning an entire format (albeit very quickly) for discussion. 我的理解是,在这个具体的谈话中,两个不同的群体通过固有的混乱达到了不同的继续方式, and that alone I find immeasurably interesting. 除此之外, we have pushed for certain 媒体 to be used, introduced tangent lines of discussions to be pursued when relevant, and chosen what I anticipate to be some very interesting presentation topics. The Language of Social Class, both in meaning and in practice, 是一个非常开放的概念吗, allowing for virtually limitless research, 谈话, 和思想, and while the focus on technical writing keeps us grounded in the texts we read, 这个机会是, 毫无疑问, exploited by teachers and students alike. – 奎因Shivel

The Language of Social Class has been an odd, albeit interesting class for me. At the beginning I was skeptical about the online portion, 因为, even though I use technology every day, mixing it with school was difficult, as I think most kids in the class would agree. I would describe my struggles like trying to teach your grandparents how to text; while they can understand the concept, putting it all together takes practice. I think by using the online platform though, we are working towards the inevitable future of online life and classes. 《bet365官网》一直致力于展示一个社会或阶级的所有不同方面, 它们是如何混合的, how language and race play a rather large role in the dynamic, 随着bet365官网的进步,这门课一直在不断地形成,我很兴奋地看到它会把bet365官网带到什么地方. – 丽芙·Stockley

这是我在Waynflete参加的第一个每天都展示实验性bet365官网的课程. 每天bet365官网都在尝试一些事情——找出一种不同的在线媒体来进行讨论, or delving into a topic that no one had planned for us to talk about. 似乎bet365官网的老师, 太妃糖和福, 在 just as educational a journey as we, 学生们, 在. While it is often good to take a well-rehearsed class, where the course’s trajectory is tried and true and has existed for years, I think it is both fascinating and challenging to be in such a fresh, 未经实验的类, with so many experimental components and themes. – 米莎Linnehan

社会阶层的语言与你的标准英语课有很大的不同. With both linguistics and online learning at the core of the course, I can easily say there is no other class quite like LOSC at Waynflete. Since the class is experimental in nature, 学生和老师一起分享一个类似的合作过程:决定用什么方式来讨论材料, how quizzes should be assigned, or what way to complete the homework. bet365官网适应课程的主题和媒介需要技巧和实践,但最终会得到回报, 授权的经验. 在LOSC中,bet365官网将典型的文学分析与在线组件之上的语言分析结合起来. 然而,当这三个点在一起的时候(通常是在bet365官网的章节中),肯定会有一种洞察力,让一切变得更有趣. – 乔纳森·思

这门课程促使我关注语言的不同方面,以及如何在文本中使用语言, 媒体, 和对话. I have really enjoyed the chance to use online resources. 这门课程让我接触到了各种各样的在线材料和论坛. It is a unique class that I am grateful to have signed up for. I appreciate the fact that since this is an experimental course, we as students have a voice that is heard, relating to assignments and discussion forums. 我认为这门课程具有挑战性,但也促使bet365官网作为学生体验一种新的bet365官网方式, which can often times be confusing. 我希望我能从这堂课中学到很多东西,并在未来的课程中使用它,因为我预计未来的很多课程都会包括在线bet365官网.  – 唐纳利玛弗

The Language of Social Class is unlike any Waynflete course that I have taken. 对跨学科bet365官网的强调是重要的,它使bet365官网在指导自己的bet365官网方面发挥更大的作用. 这是一个新类的事实意味着当类的某个方面工作不顺利时, bet365官网可以简单地改变它. We frequently explore new websites and venues for discussion, 几乎同样频繁地,bet365官网遇到迫使bet365官网改变课程的问题. In any other class this would be a problem, 但是这个类的可塑性结构使得从一种形式的类到另一种形式的类很容易转换. 除了, 我从来没有上过两个人教的课,我已经开始欣赏太妃和Phuc结合的教学风格. Taffy和Phuc都带来了独特而经验丰富的背景,这使他们能够自由地为bet365官网提供准确且极具建设性的反馈. 整体, 这是一门很棒的课程,我喜欢探索语言这个主题,以及我在这门课之前忽略了的所有语言元素. – 梅瑞迪斯Nelligan

The Language of Social Class has opened up my mind to the idea of communication. 什么是沟通? Communication is a necessary tool for life. People express their feelings, their intentions and questions. It dawned upon me that this was the true value of languages. It binds entire populations together. 语言创造了一种大多数人为了交流而遵循的标准. So why is language so important? Why do we create these bonds? 我相信这是出于bet365官网内在的相互理解的需要,bet365官网创造了语言. The LOSC made me understand the principles of human interaction. There is plenty to be said for different types of communication. In class, we have online discussions through different online mediums. We have used chat forums, Google drive, Google chat and Schoology. 虽然每一个都有自己的优点和缺点,但它们都是沟通的充分例子. As times change, people need various ways to communicate. 随着交流手段的不断变化,语言及其意义也在不断变化. As long as we continue to effectively understand one another, the changes in language will not belittle our existence. – 将曼尼

This class has definitely become a major focus in my life, 不仅仅是因为它的严谨, but equally for the interesting material. 这门课程教会了我很多有趣的东西,从声音是如何产生的微小细节到更大的深度问题和关于语言在bet365官网生活中扮演的角色的讨论. 这门课对我对沟通和语言的理解起到了很大的作用. It is also a joint online and in-class course which does take getting used to, 但总的来说,它证明了自己是非常有效的,有助于最大限度地发挥bet365官网潜力. 这是一个非常有趣的实验bet365官网环境,它可以帮助或阻碍任何bet365官网者取决于其使用的有效性. 尽管这门课需要大量的时间,但我非常喜欢这门课. – Graydon Nuki

This class is definitely out of the Waynflete norm. Most English classes I’ve taken are all about plot and literary devices, 参加考试, 写一篇论文. 这门课更侧重于为什么而不是什么,这是我喜欢的. I really like the literature we’ve been reading; it’s such an assortment. We’ve ranged from 19th century England to 21st century DR. 我要说的是,尽管这门课很有趣,但它并不是我所期望的. The articulating phonetics was really cool, 但我觉得我有点像游泳,因为我从来没有做过这样的事情. This is a really cool opportunity to see another aspect of literature, 但我希望在深入研究文本之前,bet365官网对语言本身做了更多的研究. – 海伦Gray-Bauer

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