
By Bob Mills, Debbie Rowe, Gretchen Schaefer (EC faculty)

如果环境合适,三四岁的孩子通常会发现从家到学校的过渡更容易, curriculum, and adults are engaging. At its best, school can harness young children’s vast curiosity, receptivity, and energy while nurturing their love of learning and school.

There are many fine pre-K programs in Greater Portland. 你怎么知道哪个项目适合你的孩子和你的家庭?


1. How well will the teachers know your child?

你知道,学生在被认识的教室里最快乐. 了解家长是否有机会在接送时间登记. 检查班级规模和其他老师的数量,这些老师将在关键的几年来了解你的孩子和你的家庭. 尽可能了解教师的经验深度和项目中教师的平均任期.

在Waynflete,老师们用两年的时间来管理他们的小班、多年龄段的班级. 这使他们能够提供个性化的指导和归属感,孩子们需要为了bet365官网. 在上午接送学生的时间里,老师们也有机会了解学生的家庭, 更深入地了解每个孩子和家庭的需求和期望.

2. Who will supervise your child during breaks?

看看谁在每天的游戏、零食和午餐时监督你的孩子. 检查学生外出休息或其他非结构化活动的频率.

非结构化的时间对于一个深思熟虑的社会课程是至关重要的. 在一天中的这些时间里,老师帮助学生积极地相互交流, especially when they are beginning to move beyond parallel play. bet365官网的低年级教育工作者整天都和学生在一起, inside and outside the classroom. They know when to insert themselves in student interactions, 什么时候最好退后一步,让孩子在社交场合中摸索.

研究表明,让孩子们彼此协商自己的规则的游戏与睡眠对认知发展一样重要. To provide opportunities for this kind of self-directed learning, bet365官网的学前班每天至少有三次户外休息时间(天气允许的话)——上午十点左右, before lunch, and midafternoon.

3. How do the teachers manage their classes?

Try to visit on a day when school is in session. Look carefully at how classes are being taught. Evaluate the kind of noise you hear in the classroom. How are teachers maintaining discipline? What role do students play in their own learning?

When it comes to classroom management, 韦恩弗莱特的老师认为,管理课堂的理想方式是提供引人入胜的课程,让学生兴奋不已. Students are given a great deal of choice in what they study in preschool; most of the time, 学生们总是积极地投入到他们的bet365官网中. There are few “shushes” in the Lower School. 老师和学生只要举手示意就可以安静下来.

4. How is the classroom set up?

一个教室是如何设置的可以告诉你很多关于那里发生的教学类型. 家具的摆放暗示了老师和学生如何互动? Would the types of activities you see appeal to your child?

At Waynflete, 这个环境是专门为帮助三岁和四岁的孩子发现自己作为bet365官网者的激情而设计的. They can choose to compose songs on a piano in the conservatory, create sculptures in the art studio, or try their hand at a science experiment. Some prefer to spend time quietly practicing yoga, while others are more interested in the natural world.

教师有意地设计教室空间,为孩子们提供漫游的动力, explore, connect with others, take risks, and grow. 课堂材料的设计是为了鼓励年轻bet365官网者的独立性和创造性. 学生们每天都有时间去发现自己独特的表达方式.

5. How much choice will my child be allowed?

As parents, bet365官网希望孩子的第一次学校经历能培养他们天生的好奇心和对bet365官网的热爱. 在你参观的教室里寻找孩子导向bet365官网的例子. 看看你是否会受到书籍、活动或空间的启发. 倾听合作的迹象,以及知识是被“传授”还是被发现. What is the energy level in the room?

At Waynflete, the day begins with an hour of free-choice time. Teachers prepare activities designed to spark student interest. 在大多数日子里,在老师指导的bet365官网时间之后,还有另一个自由选择的时间. After children complete their assigned projects, 当他们的同学完成作业时,他们可以选择做其他事情.

6. 老师如何让我的孩子对bet365官网保持兴趣和投入?

问问你遇到的专业人士,他们是如何让孩子在整个学年都专注于bet365官网的. 在Waynflete,bet365官网开始通过创造一个欢迎和视觉上引人注目的环境来吸引孩子. Perhaps it is a table with natural objects, deep blue sand, or battery-operated candles that change colors. 也许孩子们会听《bet365官网》这首歌或《bet365官网》这本书. 一旦孩子们被吸引了,bet365官网的机会就会出现并成长.

The Reggio Emilia philosophy, which inspires our program, 他认为,当学生真正投入到他们所学的东西中时,基本技能的bet365官网效果最好. We explore these interests through a variety of methods, allowing students to find their way using art materials, building materials, music, manipulatives, language, numeracy, and the outdoor world. 老师和学生之间的这种微妙的舞蹈——倾听和观察, 孩子们充满热情和活力地“创造世界的意义”,这是一个迷人的教室.

7. How does the school help your child make friends?

During the ages of three and four, 孩子们正从平行游戏过渡到互动游戏. 这是一个混乱而美好的时刻,他们往往会发现他们的第一个朋友. 问问你遇到的教育工作者,他们是如何帮助孩子们结交朋友的.

在Waynflete,bet365官网通过创建一个重视善良的包容性课堂来支持这一旅程. bet365官网努力创造一个环境,不仅使它成为可能, 还能帮助bet365官网最小的孩子认识到正在形成的联系.

207.774.5721 | 360 Spring Street, Portland, Maine | Directions | My Waynflete